Konoha (Cabal Mars)

Establised since 2009. This new blog site is for the brand new 2010 & there will be more uploads and lastest update for everyone.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Altar of Siena B1F on 4 June 2010

Again we have our AOS trip tonight. I have took some screen shot in tis trip. Tis is the moment where we take our time to buff up and boost our SP, while waiting for PK999 to finish up his secret quest to be done.
Mob time!! let's did it Konohan's... Yes!! We clear those mobs at last!!

At last we've clear those boss and mob while on the way reaching the last boss. We set target to kill the last boss before he start his AOD.

Tis is wat teamworks shd be and at the end of the day, we did it and we manage to clear the boss before it AOD itself.. Anyway whole dungeon we manage to hunts.

( Upgrade Core Highest x 2pcs ) & ( Upgrade Core High x 1pcs )